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Bandon Angling Association


Purchase a trout or salmon day permit if you are a visitor

Renew your club membership here

Day Permits


Day PermitDay permit for salmon. Note You can cancel your booking up to 1 day in advance of the date you booked by clicking this link Cancel Booking. Note: you will need the booking reference and contact email address used on your original booking which you can find in your confirmation email.
Day Permit

Day permit for salmon.

Membership Renewal

Once you have renewed your Bandon Angling Membership you will be sent your membership card. Please do not proceed with payment if you are not already a member of Bandon Angling.

Junior (Proof of Membership Required)

Members under 9 on the 1st of January can use this option to pay for membership. €5.00 (plus handling fee)

Standard (Proof of Membership Required)

If you are a recurring member or a new member that has been accepted into the club, use this form. Once you have paid and have been approved by us you will be sent your membership card etc. €170.00 (plus handling fee)

Student (Proof of Membership Required)

Members under 19 on the 1st of January can use this option to pay for membership €50.00 (plus handling fee)



Day Permits

Purchase a trout or salmon day permit if you are a visitor

Membership Renewal

Renew your club membership here

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