Once you have your Bandon Angling Membership you will be sent your membership card.
Junior (Proof of Membership Required)
Members under 9 on the 1st of January can use this option to pay for membership. €5.00 (plus handling fee)
New Membership
If you are a new member that has been accepted into the club, use this form. Once you have paid and have been approved by us you will be sent your membership card etc. €220.00 (plus handling fee) €220.00 (plus handling fee)
Standard (Proof of Membership Required)
If you are a recurring member that has been accepted into the club, use this form. Once you have paid and have been approved by us you will be sent your membership card etc. €170.00 (plus handling fee)
Student (Proof of Membership Required)
Members under 19 on the 1st of January can use this option to pay for membership €50.00 (plus handling fee)