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International Dressage Arena

Please follow the steps below to select a booking

Step 1: Select Date To Book

Select your month and day below. Note: only days displayed in green have timeslots available for Booking. On narrower screens you can scroll right to view and select days within the month.

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Step 2: Select Timeslot(s)

If time slot is available then click the Book button below as required. If more than one place is available then you will see a drop down list where you can select the number of places you require.

No Date Selected
Nothing available
Step 3: Review Selections

Review your list of selected Booking below. Note: you can still make changes by adding more Booking in Step 1 and 2, or cancel a selected Booking by clicking Remove below as required.

Selected Timeslots
Nothing selected yet
Step 4: Add To Shopping Cart

Once you have selected your timeslots then provide your contact name etc. below and click the Add To Cart button to proceed.

This field is mandatory
Please provide a contact name for this Booking
This field is mandatory and must be a valid phone number
Please provide a contact phone number for all communication in relation to this Booking
This field is mandatory
Please provide additional information if needed with your booking

You must click the checkbox above to agree to the Terms And Conditions.

"I understand that by taking part in activities at Hazeldene Farm Ballynahinch now and in the future, I am exposed to risk of death, become permanently disabled or suffering some other serious injury and I acknowledge that even in the event that negligence on the part of the promoter, the venue owner, or any individual carrying out duties on their behalf were to be a contributory cause of any serious injury I may suffer, the dominant cause of any injury will always be my voluntary decision to take part in a high risk activity. # 1 - I have checked the course and have brought any issues to the attention of the proprietor. # 2 - I understand that should I fail to comply with point 1 the decision to continue negates any liability to the proprietor. # 3 - I agree to comply with all notices set out by the proprietor during the duration of my time at the venue. * Any rider found to be in breach of points 1 - 3 will be automatically excluded from continuing for the remainder of their booked time. I understand that he proprietors reserve the right to exclude any rider in breach of these conditions without notice. I accept that it is the responsibility of each rider to adhere to safety conditions dependant on the type of activity. Helmets should be worn and bear PAS 015 standard and must have BSI kitemark or Inspect IC Mark. If jumping cross country jumps only a jocky skull of an even round or elipical shape with a smooth or slightly abrasive surface will be acceptable. Head cameras are not allowed. A body protector should be worn for all activities other than flatwork and this should equate to BETA 2009, purple label, or equivilant. I understand that failing to comply with these safety implications negates the proprietor from any injury that I may aquire due to my failure to comply. As well as completion of this form, it is advised that any riders are insured appropriately for leisure purposes for a minimum of third party liability- be it via horse insurance, or their own independent policy. Should this not be in place you agree to accept personal liability for any damage on site caused by yourself or your horse. I understand and accept that beyond the point of registration there will be NO REFUNDS or concessions available, regardless of the circumstances. I acknowledge and accept that it is based upon the general acceptance of these terms that these events operate. I acknowledge that by signing this form I have read and accept these conditions above."

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