An event is really anything that you are running for which you would like people to apply online to participate.
It could be a lesson you are running that people need to sign up and pay to attend, or a competition that people need to enter, a bus trip to reserve your seat, a sports camp, training course and so on. The system provides the flexibility to allow you to set up what you need for the event you are running.
Electronic Ticketing
We manage the issuing of tickets and controlling access to your event with our custom QR Code scanning app that can be used to check all tickets at your event ensuring only people with valid tickets can enter.
Design Your Own Forms
Design your own application forms or re-use one from before, making sure you capture all the information you need from people applying online.
Automatic Opening/ Closing
Configure when event applications open/ close and the system automatically manages this for you.
Apply Automatic Limits
Optionally you can set limits to the allowed number of entries and the system will automatically close entries when the limit is reached.

Secure With Pass Code
If required you can also restrict event applications with a specific pass code, so only people who have received the pass code can submit an application.
Enforce Terms And Conditions
Optionally, define your own terms and conditions that people must agree to before they can submit applications.
Flexible Payment Options
Set individual entry fees, and configure per event whether card processing fees are included in, or added on, to the Entry Fee, its your choice. Also, decide per event whether offline payments options can be used e.g. Pay By Cheque/ EFT.
Tracking Entries/ Applications
Receive emails automatically when entries are submitted, or login and view them online, or download them to Excel to work with them offline.