Manage new and renewing membership applications and payments, members data stored securely in your own centralised organisation membership database.
Support Multiple Types of Membership
You can set up different membership types to suit your needs, for example you might set up an Adult Membership, a Child Membership, or a Family Membership.
Create Your Own Membership Forms
Using the Administrators Console you can design your own membership forms ensuring that people applying online provide the specific details you need.
Terms And Conditions
As with event entries, you can define your own terms and conditions that people must agree to before they can submit a membership application.
Group Memberships
We support group memberships where you can create a membership type that allows more than one person to be included in the application. For example if you would like to setup a Family Membership whereby you pay one membership fee but where you can include up to 5 family members on the one application form.
Organisation Membership Database
As your members use the online option to submit applications, your members information is automatically stored for you in a central membership database which you can access from the Administrators Console.